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How to dynamic an image

  • mawaloc - 2019-04-16


    Actually I'm using some picture through image pool in my program.

    As it's touch pad screen. When I press the picture I can change state of my variable selected.
    But from screen point of view I don't see any effect that shows the state has changed.

    So how possible is it to change size ;may be color of the picture or backgroung of it depends state variable.

    thank you

  • ninanderson - 2019-04-16

    Hi Mawaloc,

    If it's a BOOL variable that your changing with a touch then use the Image Switcher which can be found in Toolboxes - Lamps/Switches/Bitmaps.

    It lets you assign two bitmaps to a variable, one for OFF and the other for ON.

    You can also select if the action should be Toggle (On/Off) or Tap (Momentary)

    Good luck

  • Dave-76 - 2019-04-16

    Hi Mawaloc,
    i use in such cases the ESC-Button:
    you can download this add-on and example for free in the store.


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