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Codesys local Gateway doesn't find the device

  • sbiughy - 2019-04-11

    I'm using Codesys 3.5 SP11 to program an IFM device M30711. I'm not able to connect to the PLC with Codesys gateway. Using local gateway I can't see any device. Via ping command I can reach the PLC; if I try to change the gateway, using the gateway inside the PLC (IP port 1217), also in this way doesn't work. Any idea?

    IMG: ifm_codesys_3_5_11.png

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-04-11

    make sure your local pc IPmask matches the plc one.

  • sbiughy - 2019-04-11

    As it is visible on picture attacched before, I'm able to ping the device, so I 'm quite sure about my IP configuration.

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-04-11

    Using different masks may not affect your ping ability. But it does on broadcast packets.
    Broadcast is often used for device search.

    Check firewall rules + codesys Gateway.


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