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  • jarekp - 2019-04-02

    First, I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but I couldn't figure any obvious tab to pick.
    I've spent several weeks trying to automate this product's installation for my users. In our corp environment the users do not have rights to install software by themselves, and it has to be done by the SCCM service for them. The setup executable does not support that, unfortunately, so one needs to figure out things the hard way, trying to install only the three first features in an automated way.
    For the most part I have succeeded, as I now have a fully functional unattended installation prepared,
    except one thing that I haven't been able to figure out.
    When the user opens a .PAR file from external application (SMP Config 8.0R2), and then selects "edit CODESYS Project...", they're getting the "Could not locate any version of CODESYS" message.

    When I install the CODESYS manually, it is then possible to open the .PAR file in the SMP Config, then make the project open in CODESYS, with no problem.

    SO what I'm looking for is a hint on how exactly the SMP Config is trying to determine if and what CODESYS is installed, so it can call it.

    I've compared the footprint of my automated installation with the manually installed on another computer, and I find no differences in the introduced file/folder content, registry entries or services and their status, so I'm really puzzled. I believe this could be something trivial, as every other functionality of the CODESYS automated installation has been verified by my users to be as expected.
    It's only that opening the CODESYS from the SMP Config not working.

    Can anybody help, or direct me someplace I can find the answers?

    thanks in advance,

  • mkeller - 2019-04-05

    Hi jarekp.

    What is "SMP Config"? I tried to google it but it did not found anything what could match.

    From the name of the setup file "Setup_CODESYSV35SP2.exe" I would say you use CODESYS V3.5 SP2. Am I correct?


  • jarekp - 2019-04-05

    I guess my first question should really be how to prepare an unattended installation for the CODESYS 3.5 SP2, so I can have it installed with no menus or prompts, while with the three first features only (not all!) pre-selected for installation.

    To clarify, the other product I had mentioned, which searches for, and opens the CODESYS for editing,
    passing its script file to it, is the Cooper Power Systems SMP Tools v8.0 R2.

    When I install the CODESYS 3.5 SP2 manually, and going through the user dialogues, then the other application does actually find it and open.

    When I use my own figured way to install the CODESYS 3.5 SP2 automatically (our users have no rights to install software manually on their computers in corp env...), that oter application no longer finds the CODESYS. It says it couldn't find any installed. I've tried talking to the vendor, but it turns out I do have all required in place already, as per their suggestions. Comparing the footprint of installed manually, and installed my automated way, there are no differences, either.

    What I do to achieve my unattended install is passing the intercepted properties to the extracted MSI,
    while setting the installlevel on the required features respectively, so only the three first features install. The resulting installation is identical in file/registry footprint as the one performed manually, (which cannot be used in our case...), also all services are there, and started, all GUID numbers match... There is still something that makes the difference, as that external application doesn't find it.
    And aside from that the CODESYS itself is absolutely correctly functional.

    The only thing I'm still hoping for is that there is a vendor supported way of installing CODESYS 3.5 SP2 as unattended, pre-defined installation, which could be used for the SCCM, as that might actually make a difference.

  • mkeller - 2019-04-08

    Hi jarekp.

    Have you tried to use "procmon" from the tool collection Sysinternals?

    Maybe you can find the registry and file system entries, which are accessed by Cooper Power Systems SMP Tools during the "edit CODESYS project...", and find so the difference between manual and automated setup.



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