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Disable SIL2 warning 'Safe POU call to non safe library function is not allowed'

  • mjuzwiak - 2019-03-04


    Using Codesys V3 with SIL2 extensions.
    I need to call non safety related code from Safe POU. It results in multiple following warnings in 'Safety SIL2 extension' message area:

    [WARNING]Β  Β  Β  Β Safe POU call to non safe library function is not allowed: 'methodName' calls 'FB_Name' from library 'LibraryName'

    It's done on purpose, so I want to ignore this warning and not show it on list during compilation.
    How to ignore this warning?

  • mjuzwiak - 2019-03-28


    Any idea how to do that?

    PLC I'm using is forcing such calls and number of warnings is overwhelming and may cover real, important warnings


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