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SDOs in CANopen_Device

  • Irune - 2019-02-28


    I have a CANbus in my application with a local CANopen_Device. How can I manage SDO reception from master? I have seen that only 1131 variables can be linked to those objects in the Dictionary that have been configured into a PDO. What about the other objects? Isn't it posible to associate an 1131 variable to them?

    Thank you very much in advance,


  • josepmariarams - 2019-03-01

    Sdo are for sporadic communication. Pdo for cyclic. One inverter sends via pdo position, velocity, current and recives setVel, setpos commandword....

    Via sdo you can configure the drive. Normaly are sended at starting-up. There exist one screen with all sdos sended at beguin, you can edit it manually or load from an xml that you have previously created with the configuration software of the drive (easy starter in Lenze).

    Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk


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