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Get Package GUID? How

  • MRubio - 2019-02-28

    How do you get the GUID of an installed package?

    I'm ultimately trying to write a bash script or python script to get this information to automate the process and uninstalling the package using PackageManagerCLI.exe

    thank you

  • r.evbatyrov - 2019-02-28

    Hi MRubio,

    I'm afraid, this tool does not provide "Get-Package-Info" functionality.
    You can try to analyse to PackageDB SQLite database, see PACKAGE_INSTALLATIONS table, field 'cached_id'.
    Alternatively (that is however less reliable) check the entries in the FileStorage folder (this is a part of DB) which named in curly braces; they are essentially zipped package files and contain manifest file.


  • MRubio - 2019-03-05

    Thank you for the reply, Digging around a little bit I found a file that being generated titled package.manifest.

    This seems to be a XML document with some info related to the package and in there there was an item with the ID.

    This turned out to work as the GUID I was looking for in my scripts.

    I don't know if that is something we are generating on our end or CODESYS is generating but it works for me.


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