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How do you properly use PackageManagerCLI.exe?

  • MRubio - 2019-02-26

    I'm trying to write some Unit Tests and automatically install our companies library package and found from another forum (https://forum.codesys.com/viewtopic.php?t=5458#p9532) that I should use PackageManagerCLI.

    How ever when I try to use it no matter what arguments location I pass I get a Value cannot be null. The help menu that pops up is not too helpful.

    Here is the command I'm passing with valid locations (I tried escaping the backslash too) ```

    PackageManagerCLI.exe --profile="C:\Users\mrubio\Documents\EmptyStandardProject.projec" --install="C:\jenkins\workspace\Codesys-Testing\TestPackage\mmp\build\Opto22-"


    What could I possibly be doing wrong?

    Is it that i'm passing a project for profile? what the heck is a profile if not a project?

    thank you

  • MRubio - 2019-02-26

    Found another post that I could use an example and the value I was using for --profile was wrong. As far as I understand it I use the release version of CODESYS i'm using witch in my case was "CODESYS V3.5 SP13 Patch 1"

    Here is the post that helped me:
    l viewtopic.php?t=7098 l

    I did have to run as administrator to get it to work


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