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Auto Declare in SP14

  • e.kislov - 2019-02-19

    Hi. As we know, in SP14 there is no "classic" Auto Declare in ST-editor (but we get Smart Tags, eh...).

    I suggest to return "classic" ST Auto Declare as option in 'Options' - 'SmartCoding'.

    Because, in my opinion, it faster to press Enter than click on undeclared variable and click on Smart Tags icon (and it faster than Ctrl+<.> --> Down Arrow ---> Enter).

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-02-20

    This may be usefull for locals.

  • e.kislov - 2019-05-14

    Thanks for CDS-64717, guys.

  • m.prestel - 2019-05-14

    e.kislov hat geschrieben:
    Thanks for CDS-64717, guys.

    ST Autodeclare will be reintroduced with SP 15

  • e.kislov - 2019-05-14

    I know, that's why I need to say "thanks" to your team.

  • m.prestel - 2019-05-14

    Yeah but most of the users of the forum don't know what to do with this issue number, so I "translated" it

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-05-14

    +1 Thanks


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