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Getting the lowest value excluding 0

  • Ringo - 2019-01-20

    I've really struggled to find a way to do this but I cant seem to get it to work.

    I want to get the minimum value from X amount of INT variables but not if its 0.

    Theese are the once Ive tryed (and countless variations with <> 0 and so on):

    Lets say the values are Var1 = 3, Var 2 = 5, Var3 = 0 and Var4 = 10

    NewVariable := MIN(Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4);

    This gives me the value 0.

    NewVariable := LIMIT(1,(MIN(Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4)),15);

    This gives me the value 1.

    The value i really want is 3, which is the lowest value that is NOT 0.

  • ndzied1 - 2019-01-21

    A little brute force but you could do something like this.

    Define a variable for the minimum value
    MinVal: int := 32000;

    IF Var1 <> 0 THEN
       MinVal := Min(MinVal,Var1);
    IF Var2 <> 0 THEN
       MinVal := Min(MinVal,Var2);
    IF Var3 <> 0 THEN
       MinVal := Min(MinVal,Var3);
    IF Var4 <> 0 THEN
       MinVal := Min(MinVal,Var4);
    IF Var5 <> 0 THEN
       MinVal := Min(MinVal,Var5);

    If you put the values in an array, then you could loop through it in a FOR loop.

  • Ringo - 2019-01-21

    Thanks, that almost worked. But I want the MinValue to be at 0 value until 1 or more of Val1-5 goes over 0, then i want MinValue to have that value...

    Maybe I should start to look for a diffrent solution.

    Iam making an elevator for school, and Ive added a second elevatorcar and I want the it to go down
    to the lowest floor as soon as 1 of 5 variables becomes active. If the MinValue is 0 the elevator stops.

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-01-21
    MinValueNonZero := 0;
    FOR index:=1 TO 4
     IF ElevatorBtn[index] > 0 THEN
      IF MinValueNonZero = 0 THEN
         MinValueNonZero := ElevatorBtn[index];
        IF MinValueNonZero > ElevatorBtn[index] THEN
        MinValueNonZero := ElevatorBtn[index];

    EDIT 2019/01/24 : Correct fix for first value

  • Ringo - 2019-01-23

    dFx hat geschrieben:

    MinValueNonZero := 0;
    FOR index:=1 TO 4
     IF ElevatorBtn[index] > 0 THEN
      IF MinValueNonZero > ElevatorBtn[index] THEN
        MinValueNonZero := ElevatorBtn[index];


    I solved it by using a whole bunch of IF statments but I will change that för this. Thanks!

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-01-24

    Edited my code


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