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Johnson decade counter not working

  • rudolsto - 2018-10-21

    Hi forum
    I have been trying to make me a Johnson Decade counter with the Oscat FF_DRE function block.
    when i connect all five FF in a chain i allways get ALL of the outputs identical.
    have done this in CFC as a POU or as a FB in a POU.
    strange, as when i made my own decade counters years ago with digital IC's this was a simple task.

    IMG: DecCounter.PNG

  • dFx

    dFx - 2018-10-31

    This is due too updating of FBs I/O in the same cycle task.
    I bet your previous hardware was not updating in the same cycle a block outputs with the Matching inputs.

    You may want to use some memories to save the previous state of each output and use them as input. Then update the memories after your counter code.

    EDIT : Just by Curiosity, why would you use such a counter ?


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