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Beckhoff - Siemens Profinet data exchange

  • Vijolica555 - 2018-10-09

    I really hope that somebody already used that and can help me.
    So i have Siemens S7-300 - Pn/Pn-Coppler - EL6631-CX2020
    I configured everything already in TwinCAT but i d nto know how to read data. Siemens side is sending some BYTE and I want to read it. I tryed with adding INput in API but i do not get any information.
    Anyone already did that and have any ideas?

    Thank you

  • dFx

    dFx - 2018-10-10

    I Don't know about the codesys side, but already done a pn/pn coupler.

    First of all, each declaration should be mirrored : If codesys PLC is 1ByteIN/0ByteOUT, your other PLC should be 0ByteIN/1ByteOUT.
    Once you get that correct, leds on pn/pn coupler should be all green.

    If you are planing standard cyclic exchange, it should be enougth. (not for profisafe)


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