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Using globals without a prefix (bMyTag vs GVL.bMyTag)

  • Triodes - 2018-09-18

    Having used the old Codesys for years where you could define all globals and persistents in the same Global Variable list and not need to use the prefix to access them vs local variables. I find it super annoying and redundant to have to define this prefix now for every variable used in the globals/persistent lists; GVL. (or your list name of choice) must be placed in front of every single global variable now.

    I was wondering if the same can still be done in Codesys V3, ie not have to use the prefix to access the global variable?

  • e.kislov - 2018-09-18

    I think you should remove {attribute 'qualified_only'} from your Global Variables List.

  • Triodes - 2018-09-18


    I'm getting old

    IMG: Bild


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