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  • david-vermon - 2018-07-09

    Hi guys,i would like to export the alarm history in a csv file. I know that with right click in AlarmStorage when the PLC is running i can save a csv file with all alarms history, but i want to do that with a PLC. The PLC is the CR1201, in this PLC i can watch the actives alarms and all the history with a Alarm Table. I've got save the alarm history in a sqlite file but i need a specific program for open it. My question is if there is any option to save the alarms history from the PLC in a csv file or txt and not in a sqlite file. Thanks!

  • yanhualiu - 2018-07-12

    please refer to the following example, maybe it can help you...
    l viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6810 l

  • Claudio-Baldo - 2019-04-11

    Hi, I know this is an old post but the most recent referring to alarmstorage.
    I was wondering if there is any method in the AlarmManager class which allow clearing of all the stored alarms....
    Thank you for the help


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