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I2C Codesys

  • Johan10 - 2018-04-10

    Hello everyone, I’m triying to control 2 moteurs with an arduino connected to a Raspberry. All is working well. But now I would like to put a sensor ( accelerometer), Velleman 208, on my Raspberry to get the speed of my car. I’m using I2C communication bettwen accelerometer and Raspberry, so do you know how to manage I2C in Codesys? I mean how to recuperate the values of accelerometer and show it on my Raspberry. I’ll be very thankful to those who will help me. Thank you

  • farsaap - 2018-06-05

    Hello Johan,

    I am more or less tryin to do the same, do you already have an answer? Also, do u mind sharing ur communication between Arduino and raspbarry pi?
    I would like to see your software

    Thanks a lot!


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