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remove user and password on login webapp Codesys

  • c.man - 2018-02-06

    I tried user and group in Codesys (I have a raspberry 3), but I think isn't useful for my application.
    So, every login, webapp Codesys and IDE Codesys ask me a login and password.
    I deleted all user, except Administrator (is it impossible delete this), but Codesys ask me ever login e password.
    How I can solve this problem ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-02-07

    the procedure is:
    Login as Administrator to the device,
    then do a 'Reset origin on device' by rightclick in the device tree on the plc device.


    IMG: ResetOriginalDevice.jpg

  • c.man - 2018-02-07

    Hi Edwin,
    thank you for reply.
    I have a (big) problem: I deleted all user, except Administrator.
    But for Administrator user I don't know password.... is there a default password ?
    When I go in communication settings and later gateway, for connecting Codesys ask me a user and password....
    If I don't connect raspberry, I can't do "Reset origin device" options...
    So, I readden this post:

    l viewtopic.php?f=11&t=8426 l

    but I don't understand your procedure:

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    Hi Jesper,
    How to bring the PFC back to original Wago delivery state:
    Write the firmware from Wago to an SD card boot from it,
    and copy the SD to the Flash, (WBM)
    After doing this, nothing remains from CODESYS V3 on the PFC.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-02-07

    Yes this is different on Pi, reinstall firmware means for PI reinstall Rasbian.. but first save license file.
    Try Administrator as password same name in case you did not change this it might work.

  • c.man - 2018-02-08

    Thank you Edwin.
    I tried "Administrator" like password but without success.
    So, I will install a new copy of raspian on my device.
    The next time, I will follow your procedure.

  • vahidmoham - 2022-09-05

    Hi there, I had forgotten my username and password in Codesys and then used this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPW8Y8cHmYI ) on the PLCgoods YouTube channel to solve my problem. Also this video explains how to solve the problems which may appear for us.


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