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Open .pro with SP11 vs. SP12

  • BosseL - 2018-02-01

    Hi, does anybody know why I can open an old Codesys 2.3 project (.pro) with Codesys 3.5 SP11 but not with SP12?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-02-01

    please keep in mind the V2.3 project converter is only avilable in the CODESYS 32Bit version. ( not in the 64Bit CODESYS Developmentsystem)
    This is for 3.5SP11 and 3.5SP12 the same.
    You could check which version you have under 'about'.
    In the CODESYS Store both versions are avialble ( in the version tab)


    IMG: howto_check64Bit.jpg

  • BosseL - 2018-02-02

    Thanks, you're right. That was the problem, I did never think about it.


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