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Scan the bit of WORD variable

  • fpin - 2018-01-29

    Hi to the forum,

    someone knows how I can scan the bits of one WORD variable?

    For example:
    I have the WORD variable that contains the axes mask (1=axle X, 2=Y, 3=XY, 4=Z and so).
    Now I want to take this variable and analyze it to know how many axes I have to move, so I have to see each bit of the WORD and see if it is TRUE or FALSE.

    I saw that I can refer to the specific bit with the instruction:

    IF myAxesMask.0 THEN
    AxesToMove := AxesToMove + 1;

    But in this way I have to do 16 of this instructions.

    My idea was to do something like that:

    FOR i := 0 TO 15 DO
    IF myAxesMask.i THEN
    AxesToMove := AxesToMove + 1;

    Unfortunately this won't be acepted by the compiler.
    Someone knows is there is a "clean" solution similar with the FOR instruction?

  • josepmariarams - 2018-01-29


    if((wordVar and rlc(16h1,i))<>0)then ....

    Rlc moves the settted bit (1) i positions..
    I don t remember the instruction name exactly, possibly rlc moves the bit to right and you want to move to left... Look at online help to find the exact instruction

  • fpin - 2018-01-29

    it was a good input.

    I found the function "EXTRACT" from the util library so I can do what I want.



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