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Connect to another Codesys PLC

  • oey - 2018-01-26

    I have 2 Raspberry PI running Codesys programs. And I want program A running on rpi A to read and write data to program B on rpi B.

    I've been been Googling and trying but I can not find a suitable solution for this.

    Does anyone have a neat solution?


    JAPIB - 2018-01-26


    J think the most simple way to communicate between 2 PLC (Raspberry PI or other !) is to use Network Variables.
    You create A application for RAspberryA and B Application for RaspberryB in the same project.
    In RaspberryA you add Network Variable List (Sender) and in RaspberryB you create Network Variable List (Receiver).
    Please see the online Help to know how to set these Lists.



    JAPIB - 2018-01-29

    Yes, Data Source Manager seems to be another way to do what you want.
    I spoke about network variables, because I use more than Daa Source Manager


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