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Is possible to transform a .sqlite file generated by a Trend Recording object to a .csv file?

  • pedro-ant - 2017-12-21

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to figure out how to implement an historian within my application that record the values of 8 variables through time. I've supposed that the Trend Recording Manager and the Trend Recording objects are designed for that purpose, so creating a Trend Recording object for each variable seemed a nice approach. But I've found a couple of problems that I hope you can help me with:

    1 - Is there a way to reset the data stored for each Trend Recording object? Besides deleting the .sqlite file generated by the Trend Recording I haven't found a way to delete the stored data from the Visualization or CODESYS.

    2 - Is there a way to export the data in .csv format from a PC connected to the WebVisu? I need a way to export the data of the Trend Recordings out of the PLC through WebVisu and I would like to do that in .csv format.

    Thank you in advance for your help,

  • jbarrio - 2017-12-22

    interested also in knowing if it can be done



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