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Get function block size

  • ert - 2017-12-14

    Is there any way to get the memory size occupied by a particular function block or a structure of data in Codesys?

  • Anonymous - 2017-12-15

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    Way I know: Create an array of your function block - at least two elements. Define 2 pointers (“POINTER TO MyFb”). Set first pointer to ADR(FbInst[0]) and second pointer = ADR(FbInst[1]]). The difference will be the byte size.



    Talk.ru: 1

  • ert - 2017-12-15

    scott_cunningham hat geschrieben:
    Way I know: Create an array of your function block - at least two elements. Define 2 pointers (“POINTER TO MyFb”). Set first pointer to ADR(FbInst[0]) and second pointer = ADR(FbInst[1]]). The difference will be the byte size.

    Great, this will be enough for me!
    Thank you for the idea.



    Talk.ru: 1

  • singleton - 2017-12-15

    why not just using ```




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