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Error in simple division

14 hours ago
  • jonathanD - 2017-11-22


    I have a simple division line, but the problem is that the variable does store the value of that division.
    I tried with a simple example: a := 100 / (600 -3437);
    But 'a' does not store the value, and shows 0.
    'a' is defined as REAL, also tried LREAL.

    Any suggestions about what the problem is?

    Best regards,

  • josepmariarams - 2017-11-22


    Use .0 after all numbers

  • jonathanD - 2017-11-22

    Thanks you!
    That worked.

  • benitohb - 14 hours ago

    thanks for your help! you saved my life.


    Last edit: benitohb 13 hours ago

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