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CanOpen Manager and RawCan simultaneously?

  • hence.persson - 2017-11-07


    I have a PLC with one CAN interface wich is setup as a CanOpen Manager and it runs ok.

    Now I also need to send and recieve some RawCan Data.

    The PLC manufacturer states in the manual that supported libraries for CAN is:
    CAA CiA 405,
    In this library I cannot find any raw can function blocks.

    But as CanOpen is a protocol on top of CAN there must be a way to send raw messages?
    So can I use raw can?
    How do I do this?

  • Lo5tNet - 2017-11-07

    I'm not sure if this what you are looking for but in the past I have used "CAA Can Low Level Extern" (CL2) to send and read messages without using a manager. There is also the CAN API library in the store you can reference that I believe is built off CL2.

  • hence.persson - 2017-11-08

    I'm not sure if this what you are looking for but in the past I have used "CAA Can Low Level Extern" (CL2) to send and read messages without using a manager.

    I need the CanOpen manager for all my CanOpen nodes. But I also need to send and recieve some raw can messages on the same interface.

    Is it possible to have a CanOpen Manager and to send raw CAN messages simultaneously?

    As i said my PLC manufacturer states in the manual that only the library CAA CiA 405, is supported for CAN and I dont see any RAW CAN FBs in that library. So I dont know if I can use the CAA Can Low Level Extern?

  • Lo5tNet - 2017-11-08

    Yes you can still have the CANopen manager and any devices you add to it.

    I understand what your manual says but it doesn't mean you can't try it. Both CL2 and/or CAN API. Possible solution > no solution.


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