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Rtrig in ST

  • freedumz - 2017-07-14

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to build a program which scan an alarm table and if an alarm occurs, it send a sms but I've a trouble with my Rtrig, so this is the piece of programm which give me problems:

    For i:=0 to 200 by 1 DO
    If(Rtrig(alarme[i].state) THEN

    So the problem is when a RTrig occurs, my programme continue stay in the IF, so it continues to store the same message in my buffer and it continues to increase the J variable
    So I made a small test, after the for, I put a Test:=Test+1; and my variable Test increase continually until I release my variable Alarme[i].State

    After that, I made a trial, I write a function in ladder language, with a R trig contact and a coil, and here it's working

    Any help?

    Thank in advance

  • josepmariarams - 2017-07-14

    If alarme(i-1) is false and alarme(i) is true rtrig returns true.

    You would need an rtrig by every i

  • teichhei - 2017-07-14

    And you are calling the block twice, should be If rtrig[i].q then ... So use an array of r_trig one for each alarm

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2017-07-14


    Sorry, but your solution is too convoluted (difficult).
    Usualy simpler is better, so try this;

    For i:=0 to 200 by 1 DO
       Rtrig( CLK := alarme[i].state); Run trigger function call
       If  RTrig.Q THEN      // .Q is the output of the trigger
  • Lo5tNet - 2017-07-14

    The problem with this is that you are using the same R_TRIG for 201 values. So like teichhei says you would need an array of R_TRIG. For example if you had the following:

    alarm[0] := FALSE;
    Rtrig(CLK:=alarm[0]);      //Rtrig.Q would = false;
    alarm[1] := TRUE;
    Rtrig(CLK:=alarm[1]);      //Rtrig.Q would ALWAYS get triggered to TRUE because you are calling the same function block as in line 2;

    So every cycle would trip the rising trigger.

    You would need to do something like

    //SUDO untested
       alarm:ARRAY[0..200] OF BOOL;
       alarmTrig:ARRAY[0..200] OF R_TRIG;
    FOR i:=0 to 200 by 1 DO
       IF alarmTrig[i].Q THEN
          //do work here if alarm triggered


    Talk.ru: 1

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2017-07-14

    Good feedback!

  • josepmariarams - 2017-07-14


    But the oop solution is create an fb alarm with three attributes.

    Private bool alarm, edge.

    Amd two methods

    SetAlarm(bool value)


    And two gets, one for alarm, and one for value

  • Lo5tNet - 2017-07-14

    That would work to.

  • teichhei - 2017-07-15

    Hermsen hat geschrieben:
    Sorry, but your solution is too convoluted (difficult).
    Usualy simpler is better, so try this;

    For i:=0 to 200 by 1 DO
       Rtrig( CLK := alarme[i].state); Run trigger function call
       If  RTrig.Q THEN      // .Q is the output of the trigger

    Don't think that would work because in every loop run you call the same instance of rtrig again, 200 times in a cycle, causing it to look at the previous condition in the previous call. But you need to trigger on the previous cycle state foe the same [i]. You are looking at a different value from one i to the next.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  • teichhei - 2017-07-15

    I like the OOP version too...

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2017-07-15

    Well after reading the feedback on my posting I see why my solution will not work.
    However, the anwser Joseph proposes seems very sound.
    Good luck and sorry for the misdirection =) never too old to learn.


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