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  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2017-05-18

    Does anybody know if there is some Codesys OOP variant of the WITH statement?
    This type of statement would be usefull when initiliasing objects or setting more then one property at the same time.

    pseudocode example;

    WITH <object> DO
    .<property1> := Value1;
    .<property2> := Value2;
    .<property3> := Value3;
    .<property4> := Value4;

  • nothinrandom - 2017-06-07

    Hermsen hat geschrieben:
    Does anybody know if there is some Codesys OOP variant of the WITH statement?
    This type of statement would be usefull when initiliasing objects or setting more then one property at the same time.
    pseudocode example;
    WITH <object> DO
    .<property1> := Value1;
    .<property2> := Value2;
    .<property3> := Value3;
    .<property4> := Value4;

  • Anonymous - 2017-06-07

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    Β  Β  obj: <object>;
    Β  Β  p: pointer to <object>;
    p := adr( <object> );
    p^.<PROPERTY1> := Value1;
    p^.<PROPERTY2> := Value2;
    p^.<PROPERTY3> := Value3;
    p^.<PROPERTY4> := Value4;
  • Anonymous - 2017-06-07

    Originally created by: rickj

    You could also use the REFERENCE data type instead of POINTER

    Β  Β  obj: <object>;
    Β  Β  R: REFERENCE TO to <object>;
    R REF= obj;
    R.<PROPERTY1> := Value1;
    R.<PROPERTY2> := Value2;
    R.<PROPERTY3> := Value3;
    R.<PROPERTY4> := Value4;
  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2017-06-09

    The above options will do the trick I guess! thank you for the response!


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