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Ethernet module error

  • hiright - 2017-03-23

    I'm trying to get Ethernet/IP working and seem to not be able troubleshoot the error. Attached is a picture of the explorer tree. The only indication of errors I see is in the "Status" tab of the ethernet module that says "Module reports and Error".

    How do I know what the actual error is?

    IMG: Ethernet.png

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-03-23

    does this happen even if you browse the correct Interface?


    IMG: browse.jpg

  • hiright - 2017-03-23

    I have browsed all the items in the tree with the red triangle and there doesn't seem to be any new information. But I'm very new to Codesys.

    OH! Now I get it, I don't have an interface selected.

  • hiright - 2017-03-23

    Thank you Edwin for helping with my problem, but I seem to have only gotten halfway through it.

    In the Ethernet Device Parameters, there are two IP addresses listed. One is "Configure" and the other is "Actual". I cannot figure out how to change the actual IP address. I have tried deleting the entire ethernet tree and starting over, clearing memory on my device and redownloading.

    My device is at

    IMG: Ethernet device parameters.png


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