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Data conversion INT to UDINt (double)

  • beamster - 2017-01-30


    I'm a n00b to Codesys programming, so sorry in advance if my question is a bit stupid
    This is probably not a dedicated V3-question, but since I'm working in V3.5 SP10 I guess I should post my question here anyway?!

    I work with a Seeeduino CAN-Bus shield mounted on Arduino (sender) and a Opus A3 Display (receiver). Im sending INT values of max value of 65365 (2 bytes) with CAN to the display. Like an example: Im sending INT x =12345 to the display and give it to a global variable global_x(INT) and show it on the display. This works.

    But now I want to convert this integer to a double. I think in CodeSys you need to use UDINT? Because I want to display 123,45 (12345/100). I tried to give the value of global_x to a local variable (UDINT) and divide by 100. But this is not working when I want to show it on my display.

    Maybe someone has a clue? Or is there a way to convert an INT to a UDINT (double) in Codesys when you declare a local variable?? Or do I have to give UDINT to my global_x also ?

    With kind regards,


  • Anonymous - 2017-01-30

    Originally created by: Massimo.Milluzzo

    The function you are looking for is INT_TO_UDINT.

    Another way to visualize the value 123,45 from an integer is to set, as text variable displayed, the code


    The conversion to REAL is required in order to "enable" the decimal values.


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