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How to setup trend with a fixed time?

  • k2teknik - 2016-10-19

    I would like to setup my trend display to show the last 24 hours only.

    I can make it work fine with the "time range picker", but if I put "T#1d" into the "Time Selector" field on the trend's properties it return error "C0032: Cannot convert type 'TIME' to type 'ITimeSelector(visuelemsdatetime interfaces, (intern))".

    Is there any way to fix the time shown in a trend?

  • pedro-ant - 2017-12-18

    You can read and write the time of a TimeSelector element if you assign a variable to the field highlighted in the image.

    The variable must be a LINT and the value is in microseconds (10E-6 seconds).

    IMG: Bild


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