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Editor Background color

  • tombuil - 2015-12-03

    I would like to have a black background color in my code editor.
    How to do this? Thanks!

  • t.lundahl - 2015-12-04

    In version 3 I saw that a right klick in the Visualization windows will get you the option Background.
    Choose Color/Image.

    In version 2 you need to make a rectangle as big as the background.


  • LukaszBien - 2015-12-05

    I think that t.lundahl was asking about background color in code editor , not in Visualisation editor..
    Probably there is no option ( yet ) to change background color in editor,( please someone to correct me if I'm wrong) but in my opinion it would be extremely useful if editor would have that option.
    After whole day of working in Codesys in white background my eyes have really enough..

  • Kim - 2018-05-08

    This post needs a bump, our eyes are hurting.
    After working with the Dark Theme in Visual Studio for half a day, starting up Codesys is a *bright light! bright light!" experience.

    Why can we customize just about everything in the text editor but not the background itself?
    Am I missing something?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-05-09

    Hi Kim,
    this is scheduled for this year.
    So I would expect to see it latest in 3.5SP14.
    I'm almost sure that this will not be in the 3.5SP13 Version.


  • FSYS - 2019-04-18

    In the new version V3.5SP14 there is a option availible to choose between a dark and a light theme for the text editor
    But you can't edit the syntax colors in the codesys options.

    But you can edit the colors in the installation path\Codesys\Themes\ in the .editorthemes files.
    Just open these files with Notepad and change the colors.
    It's a bit complex, therefoere I've created a tool to do this for you and the tool also let's you create new thems: Download (Link Updated 24.04.2019)


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