pboughner - 2015-11-20

Looking for a way to work with low cost microcontrollers using ladder logic or SFC's. Texas Instruments has a line of controllers that say they are compatible with CodeSys. TI seems to be saying it's up to the software people. The list of devices doesn't seem to show anything on these controllers. Looking deeper I see a couple of news releases for this connection. Other than that there is nothing.

Has anyone any information or experience on programming the LaunchPads with CodeSys?

Is it a matter of both parties not seeing ROI for this?

Should TI remove the CodeSys references on it's products?

Seems like a no brainer for TI and CodeSys to work together on this. Some of the most expansive and capable development boards I've seen coupled with a low cost IDE that does most of the major industrial language formats? win-win.

I'm hoping that I missed something and the devices are actually in the CodeSys libraries.

I mean, they have Majhong and RaspberryPi???????