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How to use placeholders in WebVisu dialog (popup) windows?

  • darius-dan - 2015-11-10

    Hi everyone. I already found out how to make dialogs to work in WebVisu. I was also able to create placeholder visualizations. So basically:

    • Dialogs are 'popup' windows that you can call with a user input (like a button) while defining input parameters that can be used on it. The user can then interact with the dialog window and, after confirming on a 'OK' button, write values defined as output parameters to the application. I noticed that while the dialog is open, no values are updated. They only do so after pressing the 'OK' button.

    • Placeholder objects are visualizations that you create normally, but inserted in another visualization with a frame element. The frame allows you to insert any application variable to replace the placeholder's variables and they keep updating continuously while in runtime, but it is always visible on the screen just like any other element.

    What I need is basically both concepts in one: a placeholder that opens in a dialog window over the current visualization and keeps updating the variables in runtime. The 'OK' button would only be a way to close the popup. Can anyone figure this out?

    Thanks in advance.

  • learnetk - 2015-11-11

    Maybe you could look at the example 'VisuDialogST' in the Store. May be the application 'DialogVarInOut' could be something you are looking for.


  • darius-dan - 2015-11-11

    learnetk hat geschrieben:
    Maybe you could look at the example 'VisuDialogST' in the Store. May be the application 'DialogVarInOut' could be something you are looking for.

    Thank you, I will look that for sure.

  • darius-dan - 2015-11-12

    Okay, I was trying to understand the 'DialogVarInOut' example and, well, I got confused. It uses Event Handlers to detect that an edit box was just used and then moves the value of the variable through another variable that works as a pointer. It looks like a lot of trouble to do something that, at first sight, should be simple. You need to implement methods and some variables just to make it happen. Maybe I just didn't get it yet, and once I do, I will find it quite simple, but other SCADA softwares are doing this very straightforwarded.

    The example in question shows the use of Edit Event Handlers. On my studies I am trying to create a command popup window with buttons and displays of status of equipments, and I wanto to make it a placeholder for all equipments of that kind. And I want it to input and output theses variables in real time, not only when I press OK. A very common application. I am not using edit boxes, only ghaphical representations of buttons. I think I should use the Mouse Event Handler, then. I looked into the store and found the 'Visu Event Handler' example with some use of it, but I didn't get if it works as a trigger to the user clicking at a specific button, only saw it to be detecting if the user used the mouse button.

    I think there must be a easier way to do this. I would appreciate any help.

    IMG: Clipboard02.gif

  • pedro-ant - 2017-08-24

    darius_dan, do you figure it out finally?

    I'm trying to do something similar to that and I'm very interested in your experience with the problem.


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