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Unit Conversion Object

  • Ludo-rol - 2014-03-03


    Software used : CODESYS V3.5 SP4.

    I am trying to use the new following feature : Unit Conversion.
    I have no problem to configure it but I would like to know how to use it using CFC/LD/FBD.
    Using CFC : The box shows 2 inputs, whick is confusing.

    Using LD or FBD : not quite sure how to use it.

    Is there a way to put some comments somewhere in the instance ?

    Thanks for your help

    IMG: CFC.png

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-03-03

    Hi Ludo_rol,

    I tried it, just because I was interested in how to do this, but it was no so easy. I think it is not yet implemented correctly, but here is the work-around:
    - In the unit conversion dialog you have the name of your conversion. Behind this name you see the implementation name
    e.g. UnitConv1 : UnitConv1_Impl
    It is actually this implementation name which you have to choose.
    - Add a box and manually type in this text (CODESYS will not automatically suggest this).
    - After typing in the text e.g. UnitConv1_Impl and then press the dot, you will get the function which you would like to use.
    - In the instance name of the box you have to enter the unit conversion name. e.g. UnitConv1 (the method of the implementation in the box and the instance name of the conversion above the box).

    IMG: ScreenShot.jpg


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