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How to specify the font name of a visu element?

  • yue-qi-qi - 2013-08-13

    How to specify the font name of a visu element?
    Suppose I have the fonts files of 'msyh.ttc','SIMLI.TTF','simsun.ttc',etc.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2013-09-24

    -Add your font to the Windows Fonts (Configuration Screen => Fonts). You can do this by just dragging/dropping into the Configuration Screen where you see all the fonts which are installed.
    -Normally CODESYS will automatically show all the fonts which are installed, but if you see that they are "greyed-out" in the configuration screen, this means your setting is that you only get to see the fonts which are supported by your input device (language settings).
    -In Windows 7 you can go to the Windows Font settings (part of configuration screen where you can see the fonts) and there "un-check" the option to hide the fonts according to your language settings.

    Then all fonts which are installed should show up.


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