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Unknown type:“CAA.HANDLE"

  • yue-qi-qi - 2013-04-17

    I have add the library CAA File, Technical Workgroup) to the Library Manager, but the system can not recognize ”CAA.HANDLE“.
    I then add the library of ”CAA Real Time Clock Extern“,and CAA TickUtil Extern,but it still does not work.
    Untile I add the library of CANBus,
    Who can tell me the reason?

  • yue-qi-qi - 2013-04-17

    I got it; it should be ”file.CAA.HANDLE“。

  • yue-qi-qi - 2013-04-17

    too much difference from the old version!

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2013-04-17

    I hope you understand the reason behind it.
    With these improvements in the library/compiler you are always 100% sure you have the correct variable and not another from another library.
    Off course it is a change from 3.4, but better a change with improvements than no changes at all.

  • yue-qi-qi - 2013-04-19

    yes,you are right


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