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how to execute a pointer to a function or a function block?

  • yue-qi-qi - 2013-02-18

    The problem is that:
    1、We know that Pointer is the type of DWORD,But how can we define a Pointer to a fucntion,a function block or a method?
    2、Then how can we execute the pointer?

  • bacha.damin - 2017-04-03

    Has your problem been resolved?
    how can i pass a pointer to function to my external library?

  • Joan M - 2017-04-04

    A pointer occupies the space a DWORD occupies (depending on the platform).

    But the DWORD is the address, not the pointer itself... when you create a pointer you create it giving it's type:

    a : pointer to fbxxx;

    Then you could simply call a:


    Hope this helps.


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