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Setting of the language for the installer

  • trifonovs - 2013-02-06

    I want to call the CoDeSys V3 installer from my own installer. But I also want to select the language for the installation. With CoDeSys V2 I used parameter /L0007 to select German language and all forked fine, but not with CoDeSys V3. I tried also with /L1031 - the same result. Which parameter on the command line I have to use to select the language?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2013-02-06

    Hi, below some information from the support of 3S-Software which I got some time ago:

    You have to use the unpacked setup to use a response file for automation.
    It does not work with the self-extracting setup.
    Follow these steps to create a silent setup:

    1. Recording a response file
      Simply run your setup with the Setup.exe /r command line parameter.
      => all your setup choices will be recorded in Setup.iss. The file is placed in the Windows folder.
    2. Copy setup.iss to the Setup folder
    3. Deinstalling setup
    4. Testing setup: Start setup with the Setup.exe /s command line parameter

    Maybe you can try this with the option "German" as installation Language.


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