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New FBD box and using +,-,<,>

  • sammeli42 - 2012-05-25

    Is there a reason why you couldn't translate +,-,<,>,>=,etc into equivalent ADD,SUB,LT boxes if programmer would type those as the type of new empty box?

    They would work as handy short hands/propably easier to remember for many that come from different programming languages like C.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2012-05-26

    You can use this !!!
    Just add an empty box to the FBD editor and enter + as function name.
    The others also work.

    I have tested this with

  • sammeli42 - 2012-05-29

    ok, what got me confused that it doesnt change / to Div / .... hmmm is there difference in their functionality then?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2012-05-30

    The functionality is identical.


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