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CANOpen Remote Device eds file (in CoDeSys V3.5 Patch 4)

  • chab - 2012-05-03

    Recently I updated to CoDeSys V3.5 Patch 4 (from V3.4).
    And I noticed that some of the eds files for Remote Device are not imported.
    For a Vendor, only one eds file is loaded. Any other eds files, for that Vendor, are skipped.

    Did anyone experience similar behaviour?

    The steps are Tools; Device Repository; Install; *.eds
    The result would be under Tools; Device Repository; Fieldbusses; CANopen; Remote Device.


  • chab - 2012-05-06

    The unique identification changed.
    The ID is compiled from sections in the eds file.
    In V3.4: FileInfo and DeviceInfo-sections. And the actual eds filename.
    In V3.5: FileInfo and DeviceInfo-sections. And the Identity section [1018].

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2012-05-06

    Thanks for the info.


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