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VPN connection

  • Andoni Crespo - 2011-12-20

    Good evening,

    I am trying to connect to a device through a VPN connection in order to download future applications. I have done the VPN connection succesfully and I can see my device using programs such VNC viewer but when I want to connect CoDeSys, I do not detect the device scanning the network.

    Should I make any kind of change on the communication settings of CoDeSys or my VPN?

    Thanks in advance

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2011-12-28


    one option is to add the Gateway of the plc (use the IP Address of the VPN/remote machine) then a plc scan should be possible.
    second option: use the TCP Blockdriver by adding the device
    'add device' then use the VPN/remote IP address and select in 'Assignment mode' -> 'IP Address using TCP',
    both options should work.


  • Andoni Crespo - 2012-01-17

    I did several trials and reached to the first option. Anyway I did not know that there was a second possibility. Thanks a lot for your help!


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