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PLCOpen and CoDeSys: CAN cfg ParameterId: fixed or variable?

  • chab - 2011-10-07

    When I export a project with CAN device, the resulting PLCOpen xml file includes the CAN cfg.
    I noticed that the elements in the section <configuration name="CAN_Local_Device"> have ParameterId attributes.</configuration>

    Are these ParameterId attributes fixed or variable?
    What are the 'rules' for creating CAN cfg ParameterId attributes?

    For example: Is the "Vendor ID" always ParameterId="285310992"? Or can it be any number like ParameterId="12345", as long as it's a unique number.

    (Reason for asking: I want to create a PLCOpen file with CAN cfg, via an external application. And import it in CoDeSys.
    When I export a project and change the ParameterIds, starting from 1 and counting up, an re-import does not show the correct result.)

    For example (export PLCOpen file):
    <parameter type="localTypes:RangeNodeID" parameterid="1"> <-- ParameterId="1"
    <attributes onlineaccess="read">
    <parameter type="std:STRING" parameterid="20"> <-- ParameterId="20"
    <attributes download="false" onlineaccess="read">
    <value>'3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH'</value>
    <name>Vendor Name</name>
    <parameter type="std:DWORD" parameterid="285310992"> <-- ParameterId="285310992"
    <attributes onlineaccess="read">
    <name>Vendor ID</name>

  • chab - 2011-10-09

    After some analysis, I found that the ParameterId s are fixed.

    Are these ParameterId s specified somewhere?

    For the CANbus and CAN_Local_Device (from 3S), I made a list manually:

    CANbus: <name>Settings</name>
    0x0 "Baudrate" "std:INT" 0
    0x1 "DummyParameter1" "std:DWORD" 1
    0x2 "NetID" "std:DWORD" 2
    0x1000 "BlockFDTSDO" "std:BOOL" 4096

    CAN_Local_Device: <name>CAN-Parameter</name>
    0x1 "Node-ID" "localTypes:RangeNodeID" 1
    0x14 "Vendor Name" "std:STRING" 20
    0x15 "Product Name" "std:STRING" 21
    0x16 "Number of IO ranges" "std:DWORD" 22
    0x17 "Number of parameter ranges" "std:DWORD" 23
    0x18 "UpdateIoWhileInStop" "std:BOOL" 24

    CAN_Local_Device: <name>TxPDOs</name> and <name>RxPDOs</name>
    0x4 "NrOfRXPDO" "std:UINT" 4
    0x5 "NrOfTXPDO" "std:UINT" 5

    CAN_Local_Device: <name>available TxPDOs</name> and <name>available RxPDOs</name>
    formula: (Index << 12) | Type
    0x1400000 "Settings" "localTypes:Struct_PDOCommunicationParameter" 20971520
    0x1400001 "Generic COBID" "std:STRING" 20971521

    CAN_Local_Device: <name>RxPDO-Mappings</name> and <name>TxPDO-Mappings</name>
    formula: 0x10000.0000 | (Index << 12) | (Sub_Index << 4) | Type
    0x11600010 "Digital_Outputs1_1" "localTypes:Struct_PDOMappingEntry" 291504144
    0x11600011 "Digital_Outputs1_1" "std:USINT" 291504145

    CAN_Local_Device: <name>IoRanges</name>
    formula: 0x3000.0000 | IoRange
    0x30000000 "Digital_Inputs1" "localTypes:Struct_IoRange" 805306368


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