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Remote connection ( VPN )...

  • Chag - 2010-09-01

    I'm trying to connect to a device through VPN connection remotely. I always have the same behavior. The first time i activate my remote connection, put the IP adress i try to reach, inside the communication setting i add a new gateway, scan the network and see my device, set as active patch. When i try to Login... I have an error and than i'm no longer able to see it again. I have to re-power the remote device, after i'm able to redo the same procedure. Did i need to change some setting in the Gateway.cfg file to increase the timeout, retry, and network bridge i have to pass through !!!! Someone have done something similar before ?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2010-09-02

    Which runtime version do you have on your device (3.4.x.x)?
    Is the remote connection through GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA or ADSL?
    Does it work ok when you connect directly to the device?
    What kind of device is it?
    If you have to cycle the power of the remote device, it seems to me like a problem of the runtime and not a gateway.cfg setting on your PC.


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