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saving project archive

  • pavel-doreng - 2019-11-06

    I using codesys v3.5 sp14 patch3
    Every time that i tring to save project archive - i got REFERNCE LIBRIES light up
    specificly the libary CAA STORAGE
    it says: "caa storage libary is not a compiled library , so it will contain source code"
    Somebody knows that it means - how can i resolve it

  • hence.persson - 2019-11-07

    You do not need to "resolve it" its only a warning that the library isnt compiled code its source code so the library is editable..

    For example SysFile library doesnt contain source code as it is a compiled library that is implemented by 3S and shouldnt be changed..
    CAA STORAGE i guess is from a program example in the Codesys Store those are often open librarys so you can change the code..


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