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Is it possible for a byte to have a negative sign?

  • I am working with the CAN API library and I need to send negative data but the negative data converts them to positive. How can I send negative bytes?.
    For example I send a byte -1 and the program converts it to 255

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-10-30

    sign is just an interpretation of the binary data. Usually, the sign is the most significant bit in your data.
    in your case, using a byte, means 8 bits of data. Max unsigned range is 0~255. But if you interpret it as signed then range is -128~127.

    so it is just a different method in evaluating the value that causes your problem.

    so your solution may be in correcting how you evaluate it.

    Why do you need to send some negative values ?

  • dFx hat geschrieben:
    sign is just an interpretation of the binary data. Usually, the sign is the most significant bit in your data.
    in your case, using a byte, means 8 bits of data. Max unsigned range is 0~255. But if you interpret it as signed then range is -128~127.
    so it is just a different method in evaluating the value that causes your problem.
    so your solution may be in correcting how you evaluate it.
    Why do you need to send some negative values ?

    I need to send messages that contain joint angle values, therefore it is necessary to send some negative angles. I have tried changing the variable to SINT, but it does not recognize the sign.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2019-10-30

    Sending byte value 255 is correct if you want to send -1.
    What is your receiving device? Your receiving device needs to interpret 0xFF as -1.
    Is it even expecting an 8 bit value? If it's expecting more, you might need 0xFF.
    The best we to display the same bits as different interpretations is with a DUT UNION.

  • I-Campbell hat geschrieben:
    Sending byte value 255 is correct if you want to send -1.
    What is your receiving device? Your receiving device needs to interpret 0xFF as -1.
    Is it even expecting an 8 bit value? If it's expecting more, you might need 0xFF.
    The best we to display the same bits as different interpretations is with a DUT UNION.

  • It is not clear to me. that the value 255 in byte is interpreted as -1 (negative value) in my controller? Use a raspberry as a controlling device

  • Anonymous - 2019-10-31

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    computers represent numbers as bits. As such, negative numbers do not really exist. Instead, both the sender and the receiver agree to use a bit to signal that the number should be treated as a negative value. It is possible to send a negative value even with the data type as byte. For example, in modbus, dats is sent as WORDS (0..65535). But if both sides agree that WORD 2 should be a negative, then you can send a number from -32768 to 32767. It is even possible to have both sides agree that two WORDS in a row can be a REAL number.

    So in your problem, it seems to me that your receiver does not expect a negative value. Or as mentioned before, maybe the receiver is expecting 16 bits as a negative. If that is the case, then -1 has to be sent as 0xFFFF (not 0xFF - because 0xFF is actually 0x00FF, a positive number). Check your documentation on the receiver of your data.

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-10-31

    btw, sending a joint angle value coded on a byte seems very low resolution …
    Check your doc about wrong type (byte int or dint) as noted by scott


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