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Serial Communication RS232

  • manuelpineda - 2019-10-22

    Hello everyone,

    Could anyone recommend a manual to follow up in order to achieve serial communication through RS232 between a PLC and a meter? the project is to receive information from the meter only, as meter flow or real-time value. I have spoken to the company of the meter and they gave me a manual to address every byte. But I cannot achieve the communication between those devices

    Many thanks,


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-10-23

    Hi Manuel,
    which plc in which version, there is an store example for serial com.
    Too less information on your post.



  • manuelpineda - 2019-10-25

    Hi Edwin,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I am working with a CR0303 from IFM.

    Many thanks,



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