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two Applications, one Controler

  • phil1987 - 2019-10-10


    i have two Applications on one Controller.
    I want to start with Application1 and switch to Application2 via Button in Application1 and switch to Application1 with a Button in Application2.

    I think i need a command "Set active Application "Application1" in Visu Application2?

    Have anyone a good idea?

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-10-15

    Simple if block on the main freewheel task ?

    // Test which application we should run
    IF AppSelectedIs2 THEN
    // run app2
    // run app1
  • lam.le - 2019-10-21

    @dFx: your code looks like you are running two functions within an App, not switching between 2 Applications?
    The hierarchy is as follow:

    PLC device
    ............PLC Logic

    And there isn't a way to add a logic to select which Application to run in PLC Logic level?


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