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3S CanOpenManager Libary

  • SPS-Prog - 2019-05-22

    Hallo zusammen,
    gibt es für Codesys V3.5 eine Libary die die Funktionalität der Codesys V2.3 libary 3S_CanOpenManager.lib abdeckt? Speziell geht es mir um den CanOpenSendSDO Baustein.

    Viele Grüße


    is there any libary in Codesys V3 is comparable with the Codesys V2.3 Libary 3S_CanOpenManager.lib ? I Need the CanOpenSendSDO FB from this libary.

    Best regards

  • dkugler - 2019-05-22

    Originally created by: D. Kugler

    have a look at the CAA CiA504 library: There's a function for SDO_Write_DATA:
    https://help.codesys.com/webapp/iZLd9_e ... n=
    That's what you are searching for?


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