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Commnunication Erro #0 when Login

  • andy2008 - 2007-12-25


    I am a new for Codesys and using IFM controller. When login, the system give me the tip "communication Error #0, logout performed"? why and how to settle it?


  • yunsisi - 2008-02-12

    Someone please help us!!

  • B.Roth - 2008-02-13

    How could we help?

    We have to know which communication ports this controller uses.

    Serial? Ethernet? Fieldbus? which settings = baudrate?, parity? etc.

    do you have no onlinehelp or manual for this controller?

  • tony2008 - 2008-03-03


    You check the TCP/IP port number.

    This number is set "Communication Parameter".

    I can login AC1353(ifm) using TCP/IP(level2) by port "1200".

    Once I have used wago master, wrong setting(port number) is remained.

  • Pieter v G - 2008-04-21

    I was wondering if the problem was already solved?

    I have the same issue, i use Codesys with a Quin4 controller.

    When trying to connect, i also get the same message: "communication Error #0, logout performed"

    All my computer settings are ok, and codesys communication settings are the same as on other systems at my company. With these computers it is possible to connect, the only difference is that i run Vista Home Premium, and the rest of the company XP home or professional.

    I have no firewall enabled, and windows defender is also turned off.

    When i use wireshark to analyse my signal over the network cable, i see that when my computer wants to connect, the ping requests are ok, but then i get: "TCP checksum incorrect"

    Google has not provided any solution for this, disabeling the IPv4 checksum offload on my network card (which should help, according to some google results) has not had any results.


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