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Modbus TCP Number of Slaves on Modller XC201?

  • ndzied1 - 2007-12-12

    I have an application where I need to talk to 12 modbus TCP slaves.

    Is it better to have 12 instances of the MBM_Communicate function block or only 1 instance where I loop through all the remote nodes?

    The 1st option seems the better for me as it would require less code and as each of my slaves is identical, it could be encapsulated in function blocks.

    Anyone have experience here?


  • Softwerker59 - 2007-12-20

    Hi Norman,

    I'm afraid that several instances of MBM_Communicate won't work.

    The function block has global variables containing an array with all connections. The connections are limited to 10!

    I suggest to contact Moeller support ( e sia@moeller.net e ) May be that they can provide a modified Lib.



  • ndzied1 - 2007-12-21

    Thank you for your reply. I figured there was some sort of limitation.

    I wonder how things will be at Moeller since Eaton has purchased them?

    http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... refer=home m

  • Softwerker59 - 2007-12-21

    Who knows??


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