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How to run machine using function blocks

  • Tahir - 2007-10-23

    I have managed to run my machine in X, Y & Z direction by using the MC_Moveabsolute and MC_Moverealive function blocks.

    But for every motion i have to use indivisual function block for them. Is it possible that i define my all data ( X, Y & Z cordinate ) in array form and call that array in my Function block to do the motion?. If yes, can you please tell me how it can be possible?

    secondly, right now i am moving my spining axis by using MC_MoveVelocity function block. But i have no control on the angular movement. Is that any Module available so that i can control the rotation angle??

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2007-10-24

    see the answer in the section motion


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