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Simulation mode grayed out

  • spfeif - 2007-08-03

    We do some collaboration with another programmer.

    I have V2.3.7.2

    He has V2.3.5.5

    I sent him a complete project using the file-Save/mail. When on my system I can select whether I want to run the project in simulation mode or not.

    He made some changes and sent me back the project file only. Upon opening the file on my system the simulation mode is checked but grayed out so I can not get it out of simulation mode. What is the problem? Why would simulation mode be checked and grayed.



  • Ralph Holz - 2007-08-04

    Hi Steve,

    I would guess there is no target selected in the program you got back. If you chose NONE as target you get exactly the same behavior.

    Are I'm right?



  • spfeif - 2007-08-06

    Yes you are correct. I looked at the PLC configuration and observed everything was in place. I did not know that you can have a PLC configuration but still have no target. When I looked under Target it was set to none.


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