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the project must be correct for login.

  • zsolt - 2016-03-23

    Unfortunately, I'm not so good to use the program .
    I need help move projects from xp ( ABB AC 500 Control Builder based on CoDeSys by 3S verison Windows7 Pro to another computer. If successful import the project, but has problems with com port. I wonder if I have to have programs for the com port I / O_ bus settings. I ask for help !!
    Yours Zsolt .

    IMG: fel.jpg

  • shooter - 2016-03-27

    probably, the IO is not defined, due to not having imported the configuration.

  • zsolt - 2016-03-30

    Thanks it was error when I export the project I had not admin rights Level 0: Admin Level 1 ....


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